Paving the Way for a Slavery-Free Kenya

By addressing the root causes of modern slavery and promoting justice and human rights for all, we aim to create a future where exploitation has no place. The collaborative and inclusive strategies being developed have the power to make significant strides towards ending modern slavery in Kenya.
July 31, 2024

We are excited to share Free the Slaves’ recent participation in a pivotal strategic meeting convened by the Kenyan government. This meeting represented a critical step in developing a roadmap for Kenya to become a pathfinder country in the fight against forced labor, child labor, modern slavery, and human trafficking.

Held under the auspices of Alliance 8.7—a global partnership committed to achieving Target 8.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—the meeting brought together a diverse group of stakeholders. This included government officials, NGO representatives, and, most importantly, survivors of modern slavery. As one of only three civil society organizations within the global coordinating group of Alliance 8.7, Free the Slaves played a crucial role in ensuring that the voices of survivors were not only heard but also integral to the development of effective strategies.

During the meeting, four survivor representatives, along with survivor-led organizations, provided profound insights and experiences that were invaluable in shaping the discussions. Their firsthand accounts highlighted the nuances and complexities that often accompany efforts to combat modern slavery. These perspectives are essential for developing a comprehensive and realistic roadmap.

One significant outcome of this meeting was the formation of a Technical Working Group. This group is tasked with reviewing the recommendations and finalizing the draft of the roadmap. Comprising experts from various fields, the group will work diligently to ensure that the strategies developed are inclusive, effective, and sustainable. The Kenyan government’s commitment to incorporating survivor and stakeholder recommendations is truly commendable and demonstrates a dedication to a collaborative and inclusive approach.

Continuous meetings are underway to refine this roadmap and prepare it for submission to the Alliance 8.7 Global Coordinating Group, with a target submission date of November 2024. We are proud to announce that Jackline Mwende, Regional Manager for East and Central Africa at Free the Slaves, is providing invaluable technical support throughout this process. Her expertise and dedication are instrumental in ensuring that our efforts remain strategic and impactful, aligning with our collective goal of a slavery-free Kenya.

The potential impact of this roadmap is transformative. By addressing the root causes of modern slavery and promoting justice and human rights for all, we aim to create a future where exploitation has no place. The collaborative and inclusive strategies being developed have the power to make significant strides towards ending modern slavery in Kenya.

We invite you to join us in this vital journey towards liberation and justice. Follow our updates and learn how you can support the fight against modern slavery. Together, we are forging a path toward a future where exploitation is eradicated.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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