People everywhere dream about a better future for their children. We all want them to have the education and opportunities necessary to lead fulfilling lives.
For millions of families, those dreams aren’t possible. Traffickers promising schooling in return for easy work trick many parents into sending children into slavery instead. In some places entire families are enslaved because they borrowed money in an emergency.
Your support of Free the Slaves makes dreams possible. Our community-based programs inspire parents to stand up for child rights. They get their children rescued and back in school.
The Free the Slaves model is turning children in Ghana into dreamers once again. Dziwonya, Christopher and Esenam were sold into slavery by an auntie who promised their parents they would get a better education if they came to live with her. Instead, they were routinely beaten and labored endless hours each day in Ghana’s notorious fishing industry.
Our Ghana team inspired their parents to take action. They worked with a local village leader, who threatened the traffickers with arrest if the children were not released. Now the three have their eyes on the future. Dziwonya wants to become a police officer, Christopher wants to teach, and Esenam wants to be a nurse.
Your support made their dreams possible. During our 2018 year-end “It Starts with Freedom” campaign, I hope you will contribute again to help other children’s dreams come true.
Visit our special It Starts With Freedom webpage to stay in touch with our fall campaign.