Be an Agent for Change on Saturday for World Fair Trade Day

People often ask us at Free the Slaves if there is something they can do in their daily lives to help fight slavery. Well, this Saturday is your chance. Communities around the world will be coming together to fight poverty, social injustice and climate change on World Fair Trade Day. The idea is for schools, […]
May 7, 2015

People often ask us at Free the Slaves if there is something they can do in their daily lives to help fight slavery. Well, this Saturday is your chance. Communities around the world will be coming together to fight poverty, social injustice and climate change on World Fair Trade Day.

The idea is for schools, nonprofits, clubs, faith communities and sports teams to host events that demand businesses “benefit the most vulnerable and deliver sustainable livelihoods by developing opportunities for small and disadvantaged producers.” Visit the World Fair Trade Organization website for ideas on organizing your own event.

The 10 principles of fair trade include a fair wage, non-discrimination and environmental consideration. The fifth principle resonates particularly strongly with Free the Slaves: “Ensuring no Child Labor and Forced Labor.”

Consumers can help reduce slavery by reducing their purchases of goods made by slaves or with slavery-tainted raw materials. It’s vital to recognize that consumers are often touched by slavery, and can take a stand to demand slavery-free products. With everything we buy — from our cup of coffee to our shoes — we contribute to the global economy. Making mindful fair trade purchases can affect producers worldwide. Visit KnowTheChain for information on corporate efforts to discover and remove slavery from their product supply chains.

One great example of a way to commemorate is being organized by the Fair Trade Judaica website. There, you can find resources for how to “Fair Trade Your Shabbat” this weekend.

Getting excited? Good. Get going!

Learn more about removing slavery from product supply chains on our slavery-free commerce webpage.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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