2020 Freedom from Slavery Forum Report and Recordings Now Available

The Freedom from Slavery Forum 2020 Advisory Committee would like to express thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s virtual convening, “Opportunities in an Age of Adaptation.” This year’s gathering in late October was a remarkable success. Across four days of digital meetings on research, advocacy, survivors and resources, 285 individuals from 33 countries […]
November 30, 2020

The Freedom from Slavery Forum 2020 Advisory Committee would like to express thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s virtual convening, “Opportunities in an Age of Adaptation.” This year’s gathering in late October was a remarkable success. Across four days of digital meetings on research, advocacy, survivors and resources, 285 individuals from 33 countries joined the conversation to help strengthen the anti-slavery movement.

Written Report: An in-depth written report of the proceedings is now available online, with summaries of each day’s key points and transcribed excerpts from keynote addresses. Read the report here.

Video Recordings: YouTube recordings of the four 90-minute Zoom meetings are now available online for those who were not able to attend the sessions live. View the recordings here.

The Forum team is already working on plans for 2021 and beyond. The goal is to launch regional events, in regional languages, focusing on regional aspects of modern slavery and efforts to confront it. The committee will keep you up to date as plans take shape.

Again, thanks for your participation and support.

The 2020 Forum Advisory Committee:

Bhanuja Sharan Lal, MSEMVS | India

Bukeni Waruzi, Free the Slaves | U.S.

Cheryl Perera, OneChild | Canada

Daniel Melese, Freedom Fund | Ethiopia

Linda Kalash, Tankeem Fields for Aid | Jordan

Mara Vanderslice Kelly, United Way Worldwide | U.S.

Natalia Suzuki, Reporter Brasil | Brazil

Shawn MacDonald, Verité | U.S.

Zoe Trodd, Rights Lab, U.K.

Free the Slaves serves as the secretariat for the Forum. Learn more on the Forum’s website.

Can you help end the conditions that cause modern slavery?

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