by Free the Slaves | May 23, 2013 | Brazil, Slavery in the News
May 13th is a special day in Brazil. It’s the date Brazilians celebrate the Abolition Act, which outlawed slavery here in 1888. This year marked the 125th anniversary. Of course, slavery still exists in Brazil even though it has been illegal for more than a century....
by Terry FitzPatrick | May 24, 2012 | Brazil, Take Action
In a landmark vote that may set a global example for getting tough with traffickers, Brazilian lawmakers approved a constitutional amendment this week that allows authorities to confiscate land owned by slaveholders. FTS supporters helped make this happen, by joining...
by Free the Slaves | May 2, 2012 | Brazil, Take Action
Brazil’s Congress may soon take a huge step: sanction slaveholders through a constitutional amendment to confiscate land where people have been rescued by government anti-slavery squads. The confiscated land would help landless families, who are often the most...
by Terry FitzPatrick | Mar 9, 2012 | Brazil, FTS Updates
It happened in the middle of the night, two men slipping away quietly from a ranch. They walked 14 miles through forests and fields to escape. And what makes this rescue especially inspiring is this: a younger slavery survivor risked his life to help an elderly...