
Special Envoy to Congo Appointed!

Free the Slaves and our frontline partners in the DRC have found multiple forms of slavery in and around mining areas of eastern Congo. We in the U.S. are not separated from these human  rights abuses, because there is evidence that minerals from Congo mines end up in...

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FTS in the Congo—New Video and Report

Following the recent release of our groundbreaking video (which you can watch below) and investigative report on slavery in the mining industry in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Free The Slaves eagerly awaits the release of documentary film, Crisis in the...

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Act Now: Support SB 861

SLAVERY IN SUPPLY CHAINS The problem: Slavery in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It's the deadliest spot in the poorest continent on earth. Millions have died in the conflict between rebel militias and the national army. At stake: vast mineral wealth and control of...

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Act Now: Special Envoy to Congo

Petitions by|Start a Petition » Tell Obama & Clinton: Appoint a Special Envoy to Congo!   Tell the U.S. government to make peace in Congo a priority. It's the deadliest spot in the poorest continent on earth. Millions have died during the conflict...

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Take Action! Help end Slavery in Congo

Minerals that come from the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo turn up in electronics, in light bulbs, batteries and other everyday items. It would be hard to escape our connection to these items, and through them, our connection to slavery and conflict in...

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Don’t Overlook Slavery in Congo Mines

Over the past year, Free the Slaves has been researching the extent of slavery in the mines in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Our teams have discovered multiple instances of slavery here—including sexual slavery, peonage, child soldiering, forced marriage and...

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Dispatches: Free the Slaves in the Congo (Pt 1)

This is the first in a three part series of dispatches written by Karen Stauss, the Director of Programs for Free the Slaves. Along with FTS Partnership Manager Zorba Leslie, Stauss recently returned from a fact finding trip to the DRC, where she researched the extent...

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